Joe Hartgrooves deserves centuries off of his stay in purgatory for his completely spot on account of THE CRUSADES and why we were right to fight them and why Moslims are always wrong and always have been wrong and violent and murderers. Like Joe, I am sick and tired of people saying that Christians cannot condemn The Moslemistic Fascists because “Christians have been violent too.” Of course we have been violent too. Our God told us to do it. But our God is real, and their “god” is NOT REAL. That makes OUR violence OKAY and THEIR violence idolatrous murder. This is so elementary, so central to basic Catholic catechesis (unless you were catechized in post-1970 hippie dippie Catholycism), that I seriously can’t believe the Moslims DON’T GET IT.

Seriously, I just hope that through Joe’s courageous post many will check again world history, especially our Moslim brothers and sisters who are just dead wrong about this and about everything. It is a post that needs to be read in full by all in the mainstream media. I, for one, am sending it to that guy from the Daily Show in just a few minutes. I would love to see Joe tear the crap out of that whiny liberal pansy like the righteous and potentially violent CRUSADER that he is.

The fact is, the vicious Mosllims of those violent times had far, far more Christian and Jewish blood on their hands than all the Christians soldiers, militia members, KKK adherents, and abortion clinic bombers that have ever lived.

And by the way, I think it’s great that JP II refused to apologize for the Crusades. Why ask forgiveness for all my sins I committed 750 years ago! That was then. This is now. Plus, in reality we do not need to “apologize” for anything. We are Traditional Catholics.

So again I say, Yes! At last! Thank you, Joe Hartgrooves! I see that there are some liberal wussies who want to debate you. I say, in the words of our late, great former president, “BRING ‘EM ON.” I have set up an email address for you to handle all of the debate requests that will come your way so as not to clog your family’s email inbox: YESJOEHARTGROOVESIWILLDEBATEYOUPLEASEDONTHURTMETOOBAD@YAHOO.COM. I will send you the password here in a few minutes.